Friday, October 14, 2016

Saving Lives

We're not always about camping, trips, games, and races with the family. We also like to care for others and look into other business as well, weather they relate to my business or not. This past week I had the opportunity to help Posh Pets in rescuing seven cats and dogs from the kill shelter. For example, I helped sponsor this AMAZING animal shelter in raising enough money to move the animals from a kill shelter to a more secure shelter were putting the animals down isn't an option.

In return for doing this, Posh Pets agreed to spread the word about my business as well. As far as tweeting about me on Twitter to personally advertising my business in flyers and posters and handing them out. I love helping others succeed as much as watching my own business succeed. It isn't always about you, give some credit to others as well!

By making this strong network connection I agreed to giving every employee at Posh Pets an opportunity to have a free weekend stay of their choice with their family. I am so blessed to have worked with the most amazing crew, my business partners and hers, to have such a successful outcome.

Check out to help support your furry families.


  1. Strong 2-3 paragraphs, but there are a few spelling errors. I liked how you made it about Posh Pets and didn't make it only about your business. You thoroughly explained what you did to help out Posh Pets.

  2. Great work. When you include the name of another business, embed a link to their blog/web site. Don't be afraid to bold or highlight text on occasion. Link is in picture, but it's not sourced.
